The importance of comfortably set up instruments… Part 1 – Introduction Some thoughts on the importance of having your instrument correctly set up and some information on the skilful man that is Kim Webber. As a serious player you will know just how important a comfortably set up guitar is to great performance. Kim has…
DetailsNya March 2014 saw the completion of tracking for the new Nya EP at Longwave Studios in Cardiff with Romesh Dodangoda. Tracks will soon be heading off to 2496 in Germany for Mastering by Robin Schmidt and it will be time to begin rehearsals for shows later this year. It’s safe to say I’m quite…
DetailsWelcome to! I am extremely happy to launch my new website and would like to thank Steve Braund at CWDmedia for his professional approach and excellent design work throughout the entire process. Here you will find all the latest news from my world, so take some time to explore the site and don’t forget…